
During the era Neolitica the industry fittile developed him and contemporarily heard him the necessity to associate himself/herself/themselves and to live in community: they rose so villages of huts, one of which it was born where Viverone is found now. From the recoveries happened to Viverone and in the Vercellese you/he/she can be affirmed that the installation was formed in the period èneo (or of the Bronze). The climate and the use of tools in bronze have favored a demografic growth and the strengthening of the agricultural economy. Before the discovery of the lake villages the most ancient traces of the presence of the man in the district of the lake of Viverone were: 1 – in the torbiera of Moregna (near Viverone), in 1830, a form of fusion was recovered casually. In the lake of Bertignano (near Viverone) two piroghes were found, the first one in 1912 and the second in the 1978.Presso Bertignano, place Extracts of Purcarel (Viverone) a lake village of huts has been individualized built on twelve heaps of pebbles of big dimensions. An excavation performed in the place of such village would have brought to individualize material ceramic referable to two different layers. Then, even if the finds cannot be dated, two different epoches of frequentazione of the site can be recognized. Near the fraction Farm Viverone has been found utensils in flint coming from the lake. Overall the finds and the gotten data document ago already an active presence of the man to Viverone thousand of years and they allow to deduce that ivis existed some villages palafitticoli. This thesis is confirmed by the discovery of four of these villages near the lake of Viverone that, according to the dating to the carbon 14, go up again to the 850 A.C. (late age énea), even if according to some researchers you/they could be also more ancient. In 1966, after a careful study of the environmental conditions of the lake, it had beginning to Viverone, in the place Farmhouse New, an underwater search of finds that you/they confirmed the presence of villages palafitticoli. The discoveries didn’t make him attend and really to Farmhouse New was found the first field of poles, to this they followed other three of different dimensions of it. The four submerged sites were denominated with the sigles VI.1, VI.2, VI.3 and VI.6. While VI.3 (Farmhouse New) it results isolated and in different position clearly, the three sites VI.1, VI.2 and VI.6 document a dense population of the bank N-NW of the lake. Situated in low backdrops, I certainly emerged during the recent phase (1300-1200 a.Cs.) and final (1200-900 a.Cs.) of the age of the Bronze because of a return of the dry and arid climate, the villages can represent an only moment insediativo or a demografic expansion with the construction of new nucleuses of huts or palafitte. Maps give of distribution of the poles of the site VI.2 (173 poles) they is already able ` to individualize four houses to rectangular plant, connected to the bank or to a border raised again through a gangway or a protected camminamento, that introduces a well marked obstruction to two bystanders of the run: the paling. Besides some more poles ` offshore they make to think to a dock toward the open lake. The simple reading of the planimetria and the rigid logical schematismo of the disposition of the spaces almost make of this installation a classical model of lake village. The same thing cannot be said, for different motives, of the other three sites: VI.1 and ` very ample (5000 poles) therefore complex in the reading, VI.3 despite the redoubts dimensions (71 poles) and ` complicated in the planimetria, finally VI.6 not and ` still analyzed state approfonditamente. From the redoubt dimension of the houses he supposes each they were inhabited only from a nucleus famigliare. From the recovery of a lot of bones of animals him and ` very probably come to knowledge that the butchery it was daily practiced; the recognized animals are different: Domestic ox, Buck, Sheep, domestic Ovicaprini, Pig, Goat, Horse, domestic Dog and Chamois; from this he/she is deduced that the basic feeding founded him on the meat gotten by the bovine livestock. The fishing had, oddly, a secondary role entirely for these communities palafitticole. The analysis of the archaeological finds recovered on the site VI.1 allows of better chronologically defining the stories of the man on the banks of the lake. Of the picked ceramics on the site they remain: olle, dolii, orcioli, bowls and cups; such recoveries are separate in two types at the researchers: the first coarse from I mix him less parish priest they are the prevailing ones, the ceramics seconds more elegant they have the smoothed surfaces. For both the classes the decoration introduces him enough various. Of the finds fittili must be remembered different weights of various forms. Among the finds lithic G. Giolitto have recovered a form of fusion to melt hat pins. The products of the metallurgy recovered are: a point of lance, a razor, a probable bite for horse, two hat pins, two tweezerses, obviously in bronze. The complex of recovered materials allows to report the villages palafitticoli of Viverone to the phase I mediate recent of the age of the Bronze. It dealt with a rich population, with a based solid economy on the integrated agriculture with the breeding. besides The manufactured articles show a good technique of workmanship.
Of Viverone in the Roman weather we know well few, must be remembered however that in his near it passed the Street Francigena, that from Vercelli, through Ivrea and Aosta, it came in France. The shores of the lake were, however, in that alone time practicable they were that is afoot absent roads carrabili. For the epoch medioevales stay us instead you increase information that come above all us thanks to documents type ecclesiastical. Viverone since the first Christian centuries made part of the diocese of Vercelli, whose bishops were among the most alive and active evangelists northern dell. Among these it detaches the personality of Eusebio, sent to Vercelli in 345 from S. Ambrogio. Probably also Viverone had to hear again of this effort evangelist completed from the Church vercellese. It is above all, however, for the following centuries that are certificates these connections between Viverone and Vercelli. The great flowering of the monachesimo cistercense and cluniacense that it was had in the centuries XI and XII in the whole Christian Europe it also extended him to Vercelli and from there to Viverone the church of S. Michele, on the banks of the lake of Viverone it results in fact among the ownerships recognized to the Benedictine monastery cluniacense of S. Michele Archangel and of S. Genuario of Vercelli from two documents, one, of 1151, of the pope Eugenio III and the other, of 1159, of the emperor Fred The Barbarossa. The church of S. Michele had called ” then cell of S. Marco” in the following centuries and in the XVI century his/her monks enjoyed some rights of fishing on the lake. Also the church of S. Martino, disappearance, that was found in the place Comuna, results today, from a document of the XIII century, to depend on the same abbey of S. Michele and S. Genuario and this church gave for a certain period the name to the same lake that was called note lake of S. Martino. Probably the monks of S. Michele were not the alone inhabitants of the shores of the lake in the medioevo, what is attested by a series of finds found again in the same lake – from a big beam to a great bell that was extracted by the lake in 1760 around. As it regards generally the history of Viverone it not him far from that of so many countries of the Canavese, that in the centuries medioevalis suffered at first in the second destination dell century the clash between Longobardi and Franchi, therefore from the Carolingian period they knew the affirmation of the feudal system to participate then in the town phenomenon and the attempts of the Germanic emperors in the centuries XII and XIII to reaffirm their power on northern Italy. For the presence of the Longobardis in this zone you/he/she must be signalled that some researchers believe that on the high ground of the morainic amphitheater canavesano, in the line that goes from Baltea it actually Gilds her/it at the end of the Greenhouse, it had to race a great go him/it defensive erected by the Longobardis with the purpose to close the street for the Lowland Padana to the armies of the Franchis, in the case these had succeeded in leaning out from the valleys of Aosta and Susa. As it regards, then, the feudal period also to Viverone they dominated some gentlemen that built in the century XII – in date not precisabile – a castle, inside which a church rose also devoted to Baptist S. Giovanni. Later – in 1405 – it was erect to defense of Viverone a shelter a strengthened suburb, that is, the rests of which I/you/they are still visible in the tall part of the country. . In the town period Viverone entered the area of the commune of Vercelli, to which the gentlemen of Viverone – Ardizzone and Bonifacio in 1194 – they had to lend oath of fidelity. In the century XIII Viverone, that always gravitated in the zone of influence of the commune of Vercelli, heard again some devastantis struggles among the two factions that guelfa and that ghibellina. To this last the noble vercellesis belonged – the Glasses – to which had been surrendered by the chapter of the church of S. Andrea of Vercelli the territories of Viverone, of Roppolo and of Azeglio. The struggles of the faction guelfa of Vercelli against the ghibellinis and particularly against Pietro Bicchieri they also involved Viverone, that suffered in this period you burden destructions. In the Three hundred Viverone a calm period didn’t live, but they continued the struggles among the factions vercellesi that also involved the Canavese. In the second halves the century Viverone was found then to be among the countries contended between the Viscounts and the Savoias. Viverone he now lined up with the a time with the others according to what seemed the smaller danger to the moment. But the destructions were not even saved her operated by the mercenary armies that devastated so many Italian zones between the end of Three hundred and the beginning of Four hundred. Viverone was ransacked in fact, together with Roppolo, from the commander Ficino Cane, that he/she fought to the penny of the Viscounts. In 1404 the duke Amedeo VIII of Aosta finally prevailed on Ficino Cane and on the Viscounts and the inhabitants of Viverone they swore him subjugation, asking quivi to the duke of power to build the shelter.
Viverone and his/her lake, in the centuries that go from the XV to the XIX, you/they had involved in the great transformations that upset in that period the whole Italy and particularly the Piedmont. In these centuries among Viverone and the neighboring countries the struggles were intensified for the rights and the ownership of the lake. The viveronesis, belonging to a small community with small economic resources, you/they have tenaciously defended however and with success his/her own rights on the lake. Since the Medieval Lower part you/they have always felt as proper the dominion on the lake and the relative rights of fishing, navigation and adacquamento of the hemp. For the ownership of the lake it bursted, at the end of 1400, a quarrel between Cavaglià and Roppolo. Viverone, has instead the first controversy in 1479 and the last in 1876. The first quarrel, for the note, it bursted in 1479, with Suburb Of Ale, subsequently with the gentlemen of Azeglio and the Marquises of Ponzone, then with Mr. Giacomo Soldati for a matter of the aqueduct. Her quarrels were followed numerous; the last one was with Alice. The controversy with this place has been the longest, it lasted in fact up to the end of 1800. During 1500 community had proceeded subsequently to the purchase of a quarter of the lake and solo some other three parts. In 1912 the water of the lake of Bertignano was used, with forced plumbings, for industrial purposes; among the two lakes the done hydroelectric central shop worked to build from the society electric Tall Italy. During the night, with some motors, the water of the lake of Viverone was sent aloft, in the lake of Bertignano; in the daytime then, exploiting the strength of fall, the water of Bertignano was used for producing energy in the moment of greater application. This plant is still existing, but as school is used for the technicians of the Enel.